

If you have problems reading the PDF's or if you are interested in one of the papers not electronically available, please send me an e-mail, and I will send you electronically or hardcopy. Click here for the BibTeX entries. Here is the list of my publications in the catalogue of Ghent University.


  • Msc. thesis in physics "Driedimensionale analyse van kernsporendetectoren met confocale microscopie." (Threedimensional analysis of nuclear track detectors with confocal microscopy) at Ghent University, Belgium [pdf]
  • PhD. thesis in engineering sciences "Nonlinear methods in image restoration applied to confocal microscopy." (Niet-lineaire methoden voor beeldrestauratie toegepast op confocale microscopie ) at Ghent University, Belgium [pdf]

Book chapters

  • Image restoration and application in biomedical processing, F. Rooms, B. Goossens, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, Chapter 26 in Optical and Digital Image Processing, pp. 571--591, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co, 2011, (Editors G. Cristobal, P. Schelkens, H. Thienport, ISBN 978-3-527-40956-3

Journals and magazines

  • in the ISI Web of Knowledge
    • "Efficient blur estimation using multi-scale quadrature filters", S. Soleimani, F. Rooms, W. Philips, In Signal Processing, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 1988-2002, 2013.
    • "Automatic Grading of Appearance Retention of Carpets Using Intensity and Range Images", S. Orjuela-Vargas, B. Ortiz-Jaramillo, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. de Keyser, L. Van Langenhove, W. Philips, In SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 021106-1 - 021106-10, 2012 [link].
    • "Evaluation of the Wear Label Description in Carpets by Using Local Binary Pattern techniques", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, Textile Research Journal vol. 80, no. 20, pp. 2132-2143, 2010 [link].
    • "Simultaneous degradation estimation and restoration of confocal images and performance evaluation by colocalization analysis", F. Rooms, W. Philips, D.S. Lidke, Journal of Microscopy, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 218, nr. 1 (April 2005), pp 22--36.[link]
  • not in the ISI Web of Knowledge


Reviewed conference papers

  • in the ISI Web of Knowledge
    • Convex formulation and global optimization for multimodal active contour segmentation, J. De Vylder, F. Rooms, W. Philips, IEEE 7th International symposium Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011)
    • Analysing wear in carpets by detecting varying local binary patterns, S.A. Orjuela Vargas, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, Proceedings of Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IX, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 7870, 2011, Editors J. Astola, K. Egiazarian
    • Optimizing feature extraction in image analysis using experimented designs, a case study evaluating texture algorithms for describing appearance retention in carpets, S.A. Orjuela Vargas, R. Quinones, B. Ortiz Jaramillo, F. Rooms, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, Proceedings of Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Coding, Compression, and Encryption with Applications XIII, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 8136, 2011
    • Improving textures discrimination in the local binary patterns techniques by using symmetry & group theory, S.A. Orjuela Vargas, R. Quinones, B. Ortiz Jaramillo, F. Rooms, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, Proc. IEEE 17th International conference on digital signal processing, pp 1-6
    • "Automated wear label assessment in carpets by using local binary pattern statistics on depth and intensity images", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, W. Philips, S. De Meulemeester, R. de Keyser, Proc. IEEE ANDESCON 2010, Bogota, Colombia, Sep. 2010
    • "Surface Reconstruction of Wear in Carpets by Using a Wavelet Edge Detector", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, B. Ortiz Jaramillo, S. De Meulemeester, J. Garcia Alvarez, F. Rooms, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, Proc. Advanced Concepts in Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2010), Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2010
    • "Image fusion using blur estimation", S. Soleimani, F. Rooms, W. Philips, L. Tessens, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2010 (ICIP 2010), Image Processing 2010, Hong Kong, China, Sept. 2010
    • "A comparison between intensity and depth images for extracting features related to wear labels in carpets", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII", Vol. 7798, August 2010, San Diego, California, USA
    • "Feature extraction of the wear label of carpets by using a novel 3D scanner", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, W. Philips, Proc. SPIE Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications, vol. 7723, April 2010, Brussels, Belgium
    • "Segmentation of cell nuclei in Arabidopsis thaliana roots", J. De Vylder, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Proc. 7th International conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2010), Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, LNCS Volume 6112, pp. 207-216
    • "Parametric PSF estimation via sparseness maximization in the wavelet domain", F. Rooms, W. Philips and J. Portilla, SPIE Conference "Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing II" (part of Optics East 2004), 27-29 October 2004, Philadelphia, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5607, pp. 26--33
    • "Estimation of Anisotropic Blur for the Restoration of confocal images", F. Rooms, W. Philips and P. Van Oostveldt, SPIE Conference "Wavelet Applications in Industrial Processing" (part of Photonics East 2003), 27-31 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5266, pp. 9--17 [pdf]
    • "Regularization of deconvolution using steerable pyramids", F. Rooms, W. Philips, 2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings (IEEE/DSP 2002), Volume II pp. 943--946 (CD-ROM: session T3B, paper 0418.pdf) July 2002, Santorini, Greece [pdf]
    • "Estimating image blur in the wavelet domain" F. Rooms, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2002), pp. 210--215 [pdf]
  • not in the ISI Web of Knowledge
    • "Texture Wear Analysis in Textile Floor Coverings by Using Depth Information", S. A. Orjuela Vargas, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. de Keyser and W.Philips, XV simposio de tratamiento de señales, imágenes y visión artificial - STSIVA 2010, Bogota, Colombia
    • "Blur estimation for document images", S. Soleimani, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Proc. 20th Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, (ProRISC 2009), pp. 285--288, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
    • "Skeleton Analysis Of Population Images For Detection Of Isolated And Overlapped Nematode C.Elegans", N. Babaii Rizvandi, A. Pizurica, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Eusipco 2008, Nr. 1569104532, Lausanne, Switzerland
    • "Carpet Wear Classification Using Cooccurence Matrices and Support Vector Machine", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, C. Copot, S. Syafiie, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, W. Philips, R. de Keyser, L. Van Langenhove, Nr 221, XIII simposio de tratamiento de señales, imágenes y visión artificial STSIVA 2008, Bucaramanga, Colombia
    • "Carpet Wear Classification Using Cooccurence Matrices and Support Vector Machine", S.A. Orjuela Vargas, C. Copot, S. Syafiie, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, W. Philips, R. de Keyser, L. Van Langenhove, PRORISC 2008 Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
    • "Do not zero-pute: an efficient homespun MPEG audio layer II decoding and optimization strategy", P. De Smet, F. Rooms, H. Quang Luong, W. Philips, ACM Multimedia 2004 conference, New York, USA, pp. 376--379
    • "Integrated Approach for Estimation and Restoration of Photon-limited Images based on Steerable Pyramids", F. Rooms, W. Philips, P. Van Oostveldt Proceedings EC-VIP-MC 2003 (4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications) pp. 131--136, 2-5 July 2003, Zagreb, Croatia [pdf]
    • "PSF estimation with applications in autofocus and image restoration", F. Rooms, M. Ronsse, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, SPS 2002 (3rd IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium), pp.13--16 [pdf]

      Erratum: Reference [10]: authors should be "G. Van Kempen, L.J. Van Vliet, P. Verveer and H Van der Voort" instead of "H.T.M. van der Voort and K.C. Strasters"

    • "Estimating image blur in the wavelet domain", F. Rooms, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, ProRISC 2001 (12th annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing), pp. 568--572 [pdf]
    • "The analysis of nuclear tracks with cofocal microscopy and image restoration" F. Rooms, W. Philips, G. Meesen, P. Van Oostveldt, Proceedings of 5th WSES/IEEE World Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2001), pp. 4871--4876 [pdf], also published in the post-conference book under the same title in "Advances in signal processing and computer technologies", ed. G. Antoniou, N. Mastorakis, O. Panfilov. 2001, WSES press, pp. 139--144

      Erratum: Authors of References [17] and [18] should be switched

    • "A speckle suppression method for medical ultrasound images based on local statistics" G. Stippel, I. Duskunovic, A. Pizurica, F. Rooms, W. Philips, I. Lemahieu STW/ProRISC 2000 Conference Proceedings, december 2000
    • Using Confocal Microscopy and Image Restoration for the Analysis of Nuclear Tracks, F. Rooms, W. Philips, G. Meesen, P. Van Oostveldt, ProRISC 2000 (11th annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing), pp. 479-482 [pdf]


  • ProRISC 2000: Best Poster Award

Conference abstracts

  • Automatic detection of cell nuclei in fluorescence micrographs, J. De Vylder, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Proc. Focus on Microscopy, Abstracts (2010)
  • Estimation and Restoration of Confocal Images, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Proceedings 5th Phd symposium of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Ghent University, December 2004, abstract nr. 122
  • Simultaneous Estimation and Restoration of Confocal Images, F. Rooms, W. Philips, P. Van Oostveldt, Abstract book of the 1st International meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS 2003) (Badajoz, Spain) nr 499
  • Simultaneous Estimation and Restoration of Confocal Images, F. Rooms, W. Philips, P. Van Oostveldt, Abstract book Bioforum 2003 (Liège, Belgium) nr 20
  • Joint Estimation and Restoration of Confocal Images, F. Rooms, W. Philips, P. Van Oostveldt, Abstract book Focus on Microscopy 2003 (Genova, Italia) p 117
  • Estimating image blur in the wavelet domain, Filip Rooms, Student Forum abstract at ICASSP 2002, Orlando, pp VI-4190
  • Wavelet-based estimation of image blur F. Rooms, A. Pizurica, W. Philips, Proceedings 2nd Phd symposium of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Ghent University, December 2001, paper nr. 62
  • Estimating the blur in confocal images, F. Rooms, W. Philips, Abstract book Focus on Microscopy 2001 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) p 81
  • "Non-linear techniques in image restoration", F. Rooms, W. Philips, Proceedings 1st Phd symposium of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Ghent University, December 2000, paper nr. 26
  • "Segmenting 'Flares' in ultrasound images" G. Stippel, I. Duskunovic, A. Pizurica, F. Rooms, W. Philips, I. Lemahieu Proceedings 1st Phd symposium of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Ghent University, December 2000, paper nr. 30
  • "3D analysis of nuclear tracks with confocal microscopy", F. Rooms, G. Meesen, A. Poffijn, P. Van Oostveldt, Newsletter for the Belgian Association for Microscopy nr4, november 1999 p18


  • "Some advanced debugging techniques in C under Linux", which seems to be used as part of a Computer Programming Lab course at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (now behind a password) [pdf] (or the Dutch translation "Enkele geavanceerde debugtechnieken in C voor linuxprogramma's", F. Rooms [pdf]). Also linked to (amongst others) by yumpu
  • GLMS I contributed some sections to this Linux introduction course (in Dutch) [pdf]